Sunday 29 July 2012

Little Current to Eagle Island

Quote of the Day July 28: "Not a cloud in the sky, horizon to horizon, sunset will be dreary!"

And it was like that all day too, which meant pretty limited wind. Still, we managed to sail much of the way from Covered Portage Cove, down the Lansdowne Channel, and around to Little Current in a hint of breeze from the East. We had to hang around a while before the 3 o'clock swing allowed us past the bridge, into the channel, and on to downtown Little Current. The bridge is celebrating its centennial this year and somebody said he thought it was the oldest swing bridge in North America.

Since I was last here, the Port of Little Current has dramatically expanded and improved the transient docking facilities. The whitefish is still delicious at the Anchor Inn, and they still have free wireless, but so does the whole harbour now. We had a finger dock fairly close to shore on A dock at the west end of town. A little farther out would have been good, since we brushed the bottom on our way back out.

We made phone contact with Allison and Rod in Gore Bay and agreed on a general direction and radio contact for the next day. Then we walked the length of the wall, noticed some enormous power yachts from Grosse Pointe, and picked up some smoked fish at Wally's on the pier.

Ice cream for dessert is always good!

July 29: The wall, or the docks at the east end would have put us closer to the grocery stores for provisioning this morning, but the load was still manageable. The fridge is packed with meat and vegetables again. We did most of our shopping at the Valumart then rounded it out with some lamb from the Foodland. Definitely a good provisioning stop. There's also a butcher at the bottom of the hill, unfortunately closed on Sundays.

Although the forecast called for SW, the wind was persistently on the nose as we motored out of LC, up and around Clapperton Island, and past the Benjamins. We were still motoring when we saw Leading Edge appear from behind Hook Island under sail. At that point we were able to bear off for the only half hour of sailing we got today, down to the east end of Eagle Island. We followed them up the back of the island to anchor in the bay.

The sailboat symbol in the lower middle of the chart shot is the famous Benjamins anchorage, the must see of North Channel cruising.

After getting the boat settled we went over to Leading Edge for the rest of the afternoon to compare notes on our adventures, with cool drinks and fresh cherries. We only adjourned for dinner, fresh whitefish on their boat and ours. Ours was certainly delicious, with Greek salad and potatoes, and fresh strawberries for dessert. Grocery days are really good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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